Thursday, July 30, 2009

Almost done...

Tomorrow will be one week down, just 39 more to go. That's just 175 days done. Oops, I mean just 175 more days to go!!! All in all it has been a pretty good week. All of the kids seem to be adjusting well with how I work things and really haven't had any complaints. Have had to get after a couple of kids to settle down (8th and 10th graders to be exact) but such is life. We do a two week trial period and if we don't see an improvement with attitude, behavior, or school work, they are out.

"Gigantic" Bambino is doing very well. Haven't had one whine about his work yet. Little does he know, there is more to come for him as well. Have to get his scouting stuff worked back into his curriculum! Waaaahaaa! "Bright" Bambino, well he's a whole different story. Having a hard time with handwriting mostly because he is left handed. Cursive is hard anyways, but doing it left hand....jeesh talk about a hand cramp! I decided that with him I am going to do his math lessons after school. I know, I know, more work for me. I just feel that is the best way to do his math. Everything else will fall in place better by doing it that way. "Princess" Bambino is pretending to be Sleeping Beauty! Yesterday and today I allowed her to sleep in. Kind of how she did last year. This schedule is still all new to her and to me and we just have to work out the kinks. Probably will take us a few weeks but we will get there. She is doing awesome with her math and "English" even though we don't call it that now. We just say your writing work!

My favorite subject so far is History. We are using The Mystery of History vol 1. and I absolutely love it! I can't wait to start doing the "art" projects they have to go with it! So much fun. We have talked about the Creation, Adam and Eve, Jubal and Tubal -Cain. The boys all died of laughter when I mentioned that Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden. It was just too much!!!
Water aerobics was cancelled yesterday due to bad weather. Which was probably a good thing since I could hardly move my body! I was so sore and I know that after today, I am going to be walking like a mummy. Stiffed legged with my arms out in front of me. Worked really hard today! Would like to shed a few more pounds and tone some more! I did 51 pull ups today. My friend did 50, so I had to do 51 just to beat her! I mean come on, I am the teacher after all and it would just look bad to not do the most. So there you have it. The week in a nut shell! Oh one more thing, I am losing my voice. Could it be from all the talking I have been doing with school?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Razzle Dazzle

I am putting a spell on myself, to make me get back here and do what I planned to do all along. When you set a goal for yourself and you don't see it through, you kind of feel a little bit like a failure. Now that is something that one does not go around bragging about. "See me, see me, I'm a failure.... hehe!" Nope, it just doesn't happen. So here I go again. Attempting to write. The problem is, I have to write tomorrow and the next day and the next day!
Nothing really has been going on here. Just getting ready for our school year to start. Which by the way started today. I don't know if I should be jumping for joy or crying in agony. It was a pretty good day. Not much of any trouble with any of the kids. "Princess" Bambino however informed me that she does not need to do English because she already knows how to speak it! I asked her if she understood how to write it and this was her response..."I can speak it, I can write it, and I can read it. So you do not have to teach it!" HAHA! To much. The boys did well too. I think they were very tired since they refused to go to bed last night. I believe it was the butterflies of new kids coming and the excitement of just starting a new year. Who knows. One day down, only 179 more too go!
Parents entered the MTC today and head to Japan on the 8th. So we were also busy getting them ready to send out the door. July has just been a very busy month and has gone by so fast. I hope that school will fly by too!
Razzle Dazzle pumpkin pie, make me write until I die.....

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lil' Firecracker

This picture is so cool!
My sweet lil "Princess" Bambino became a lil Firecracker on the 4th! She doesn't really remember the fireworks from last year, but was so excited about them this year! She would go around the house telling us exactly what fireworks say..."Boom, Boooom, BBBBOOOOMMM"! So fun!

Not realizing we are taking pictures yet...
Such a Lady!
Still doesn't know!
"Hey, NO pictures"
"I got her, quick grab the camera"!
Chubby Cheeks!!!
"Please, I said....NO more pictures...Please"
"Okay, maybe just one more"!
"Boom, Boooom, BBBOOOMMM"!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bad as I am

Well as bad as it may seem, I am back. I really have slacked on writing and really have no excuse for doing so. I guess I am just exhausted from the 4th and have not recovered yet from it. We did have fun and I would love to do it again and again, but only if the exhaustion does not continue this way.
What I need is some spinach. Yep, good ole' spinach. You know the kind that Popeye would open up with pipe and slurp is right through it? Well that is what I need. He always seemed to jump out of his state of exhaustion and beat up the bad guys and sweep Olive off her feet. Okay, I don't want to sweep Olive off her feet, but I wouldn't mind sweeping "Hot" Firefighter off his. Beating up the bad guys, well that is something that is injected in to spinach and there is no way get out of it. So bad guys beware! "Hot" Firefighter here I come. Wait, do I have spinach?
More about the 4th, with pictures and firecrackers tomorrow. Okay, maybe later tonight if I get the spinach in me!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Crazy Day

Yet another crazy day for our family! We decided at the last minuted to wake up kind of early and go to the beach! It was a beautiful day and the heat index hadn't hit 100 yet, so we went! See "Princess" Bambino, I swear is allergic to heat. We can step outside for two minutes and she goes as white as a ghost, lips and all. Starts to feel dizzy, and just looks pretty much like a zombie on an old horror movie. It is quite scary needless to say, but we it has only happen twice. Where we have had the full blown zombie look going. We just have to immediately cool her down, strip all her clothes off (not underpants of course) and pour water on her from her head to her toes. Yesterday, at the beach I watched her very closely and at one point she did tell me she wasn't feeling too good. So I had "Hot" Firefighter carry her down to the water and we just sat there letting the waves come up to us and cool us down. It worked!!! She was back to her normal self in no time. We also had her drinking water from the time we got in the car to go, to every time she came up to show me a shell or a snail! I hate it though, scares the living day lights out me...
While at the beach, I was laying out. I did have sunscreen on so don't worry. But I wanted to get my vitamin D in and a little color. Anyways, I was talking on the phone and all of a sudden a mouse came out of no where. Yelling in my friends ear trying to get them to get the mouse a way. Laughed like a hyena and explained to me that there was no way for them to get the mouse through the phone. "Hot" Firefighter couldn't even here me yelping to rescue me from distress. Oh well I survived. I came close to me but ran away after hearing me say I was going to feed it to the birds.

After the beach, we came home, showered and got ready to head back the same way to send a missionaries bike home. Then had our back to school meeting with the parents and students at the park. Can you see what my plan was? Wear the Bambinoes out, so "Hot" Firefighter and I could actually have "our" time. Watch LOST with no interruptions, etc, etc, etc....! Well only one parent came, ugh.... Understand why another family didn't come, but come on, this is your child's education and so on and so on... You get the picture huh? Park is done, went and got pizza and then went to a friends house to hang out for a while! Threw the boys in the pool with their clothes on while "Princess" Bambino played with her nephews! Fun times. After we came home and put the Bambinoes to bed. They were a sleep within 15 minutes! Woo Hoo! We watch LOST, and just got to enjoy each others company without the joys of Bambinoes!