Monday, July 27, 2009

Razzle Dazzle

I am putting a spell on myself, to make me get back here and do what I planned to do all along. When you set a goal for yourself and you don't see it through, you kind of feel a little bit like a failure. Now that is something that one does not go around bragging about. "See me, see me, I'm a failure.... hehe!" Nope, it just doesn't happen. So here I go again. Attempting to write. The problem is, I have to write tomorrow and the next day and the next day!
Nothing really has been going on here. Just getting ready for our school year to start. Which by the way started today. I don't know if I should be jumping for joy or crying in agony. It was a pretty good day. Not much of any trouble with any of the kids. "Princess" Bambino however informed me that she does not need to do English because she already knows how to speak it! I asked her if she understood how to write it and this was her response..."I can speak it, I can write it, and I can read it. So you do not have to teach it!" HAHA! To much. The boys did well too. I think they were very tired since they refused to go to bed last night. I believe it was the butterflies of new kids coming and the excitement of just starting a new year. Who knows. One day down, only 179 more too go!
Parents entered the MTC today and head to Japan on the 8th. So we were also busy getting them ready to send out the door. July has just been a very busy month and has gone by so fast. I hope that school will fly by too!
Razzle Dazzle pumpkin pie, make me write until I die.....

1 comment:

  1. Goals are a good thing, however yes the do make you feel bad when you do not reach them.
