Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Airport

If my computer would stop deleting my cookies, I would have posted a lot earlier...

On Monday, I met "Utterly Enchanted" at the airport. While I was waiting for her flight to arrive, I had a very interesting time. See I wanted to talk to "Hot Firefighter" in a quieter area, and so I did just that. But as I was waiting, you wouldn't believe what I saw... what I witnessed was something I had never seen in the airport or anywhere else for that matter. As I was minding my own business, I causally turned my head to the right and wait, I had to take a second look. Low and behold a lady was in the midst of starting to perform a lap dance to I assume to be her husband or maybe even her boyfriend. I started to laugh and had to quickly turn away but only after I took a third glance. I grabbed my stuff and headed off to find a less PDA (public display of affection). It was just a little too much to handle and I was so afraid that I was going to start laugh hysterically that I had to just remove myself from the premises...
Have you ever just sat and watch people? I mean not stare at them, but just watch? Once I was away from the lap dancing I just kept my eyes and ears open and took in all that I could. Every single person was there for a reason. Whether for pleasure (not lap dancing, haha), business, going, coming, you name it, we were all there for the same purpose. To get to our destination, safely for one. But really if you ever get the chance and you are in the airport, just watch and wonder where everyone is going. It's fun to watch those who are in a rush so they don't miss their next plane, those who are waiting for their plane, those boarding, and even those arriving. Their facial expressions are just so unique! Which brings me back to "Utterly Enchanted"! She really wasn't sure if I was going to make it or not and if I did, how we would find each other. Once leaving the lap dancers, I went and found her gate and planted my bottom in a chair and pulled out my book and read, listened, and watched til her flight arrived. I met a really nice cowboy and asked where he was going. He told me the flight he was catching was headed to Denver and than on to Montana! He was mighty nice! He asked if I was going to Denver as well and I told him no, that I was waiting for my friend to arrive! So we talked about "Utterly Enchanted", he seemed so intrigued and didn't even know what she looked like! Her plane arrived and I excused myself from my new friend the cowboy and walk over to wait for her. One of the first people off, I would say must have been in a hurry. She was wearing the same clothing as "Utterly Enchanted" had told me she would be wearing. Was this "Utterly Enchanted"? Please, don't be. You look mean... as I wipe my brow. Still more people walk off. Wait, I see her! She walks, and walks and I call her name! Her eyes were smiling right along with her mouth!!! We hugged and hugged again and started to walk. I looked behind me and guess what? The cowboy threw me a big smile and a thumbs up!

We walked like what seemed to be forever. But we talked the whole way! Got the tickets taken care of and were off to find food. We were famished and needed to replenish our bellies so we could talk and walk some more! Oh boy did we have fun! She had me laughing so hard that I choked on my food and thought that I almost snorted it back out of my nose! It was just too funny, and I knew that I probably was going to die of laughter that night...LOL! At last we had to bid farewell :( we took some pictures and even found someone to take a couple for us as well. When we finally had to say goodbye, we hugged and she went one way and I other.

Again, I sat and watched as I waited. But on the flight back, I flew first class BABY!!! Had a great time "Utterly Enchanted"!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

State of Acceptance

I watched a movie today on LifeTime called "Acceptance" and it made me really think. It was about a girl who was trying to find her spot in the world. She was expected to attend an IVY League school and was overwhelmed by the pressure from her parents. Her counselor also told her to lie on her essay and so on and so on. Her parents were also trying to find their place and be accepted. So it made me think...
To what point in our lives do we really feel accepted? Are we truly accepted into our own families when there is more than one child? Or are favorites played? Do we really find ourselves in our youth, or do we just pretend to feel accepted? What about in our adult lives? Can you not have more then one friend male/female and be told that is wrong? Do we push our children and try to prove to others that they are so much better than their child? It is an act of acceptance that we are all striving for. "Will I be accepted if I cut my hair a different way?" "Will they accept me if I have a difference of opinion?" These are all questions that I know we have all asked ourselves at one point in time.
Truth is, you should never feel that you have to be a certain way just to be accepted. I'm guilty, I know. But I am working on it. No one can tell me what to wear, how to do my hair, and no one can tell me how I feel. I don't have to be accepted anywhere, as long as I feel good about myself that is all that should matter. Unfortunately, we live in a cruel world and if you don't uphold "what is acceptable" you have no state of acceptance. Do what God intended you to do...SERVE... Go the extra mile and who cares if you do it right or not. Check on people in the community who may be ill. What about people at church? Just get off your "Fatty Acid" (that is what the high schoolers in our school say, lol!) and do something and forget about what others say. Let them talk all they want. Give them something to talk about! By golly, step out of the box, change your hair style, change your fashion trend, just do something for you!!! You only need to feel accepted in one group, your own!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tongued Tied

I guess my idea of a friend, is one who is there for you no matter what. Someone who will listen and will give you their two cents when the time is right. I try to be that friend and I hope that I have been to all of you. But if in some way I have ever not been that friend and have hurt you, please accept my apology. I am just like the rest of you in the fact that I too am human and sometimes make mistakes that I may or may not realize. Sometimes things we say make sense to us, but when they come out of our mouth are not exactly what was intended. I like to call this the "tied up tongue syndrome". We've all done it so don't lie and say you haven't. We have all said something at one point in our life that was taken the wrong way and the other party won't give you the time or day to explain. So my advice, try...try as hard as you possible can to right that wrong whether you understand or not. Right it now and then it is off your shoulders. It is now in their hands of whether they will move on and continue to be your friend or push you a side and say you are not worth it. Either way it is now in the Lord's hands. Pray for His guidance and He will comfort you... If you can't say SORRY from your mouth, write a letter, that might work! Best of Luck to all and may all of our tongues be untied!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Boobs! Yep, boobs

So I was talking to "Utterly Enchanted" today and crack my sides when we started talking about after baby bodies. She is a teeny tiny size 0 and doesn't want to get fat at all. I told her that a healthy pregnancy would mean gaining some weight (like 20lbs). There goes the size 0... but I also informed her that she would lose the weight fast because of adding up all the weight,, water, other fluids, placenta, and boobs. I know she got a chuckle out of that. I also informed her that I wasn't sure if her hubby (who is yet to be named) would be able to handle the change in her boobs. Out of no where, she said "he would be excited, because I have olive sized boobs right now". I literally peed in my pants when she said that. I couldn't stop laughing and whenever I think about what she said I get a smile on my face and chuckle! HAHA! Thanks "Utterly Enchanted" for giving me something to laugh about today! Love ya!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

No Talking Rule

When you are teaching, you really like to have things go the way they should...PERFECT. But as we all know we do not live in a perfect world and teaching in your own private school is definitely not perfect. See I would really like for everyone to be quiet and they try so very hard. But the truth of the matter is they absolutely cannot do it. I have tried everything from longer recess, to prizes and extra points. But it is not a win win situation. It is a win lose and I am in the losing seat :( To make things worse, I lost my voice from talking during the first week of school. It has come back a little, but teachers aren't suppose to be part of the "No talking rule", we are the ones that are suppose to talk. You can't teach unless you talk. Hum, maybe I should teach them all sign language and then the noise will be at a complete stand still! Wouldn't that be great?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My Enchanting Friend!

I have this friend who I only know through her brother in law and have never met her in person. I have only talked to her on facebook and find her utterly enchanting! She has made me laugh til tears have ran down my checks and I nearly wet my pants! We'll just call her "Utterly Enchanted". She amazes me! Her and her sweet husband just celebrated their one year anniversary and were completely in different worlds. She's in the states and he's in Europe. But not for long! She will meet up with her long lost love on August 25, 2009 when she will fly there and run into his arms. He will grab her and swing her in the air and passionately kiss her to the point where they are exposing too much public affection. The police will be called into action and with all their might try to pull them apart. But little will the police know that these two are bond together and really just need to get a room for quite a while! HAHA! They have been a part since May, so for newly weds that is a very long time. I guess really for anyone being away from your spouse that long would seem like an eternity. Gosh, "Hot" Firefighter is gone every couple nights and that seems like an eternity. I could only imagine how "Utterly Enchanted" feels. It's been fun getting to know her and we have made plans to meet each other at the airport while she has a layover! So I will fly to where she is and we will talk, laugh, talk, and probably cry!!! I have found that I have come to love her like a BFF (sorry had to do it), but only the kind that you make pinkie promises with, tell all sorts of secrets too, and of course laugh and laugh and laugh! Even though we have only talked on FB, I feel as though we have some connection and understand each other like we have known each other for quite sometime! She amazes me for a lot of reasons and not just for being a way from her husband in their first year of marriage, but for her childhood, for her overcoming cancer at a young age, and for her pigging out and run 10 miles just to burn it all off again. It's okay "Utterly Enchanted" you can splurge every now and then! Here's your award for surviving your first year with all kinds of crazy circumstances!!! Love ya "Utterly Enchanted"

"Utterly Enchanted" in her beautiful gown (Italy I believe)

The Newly Weds (see why she is "utterly enchanting")

Beautiful, just beautiful!!!