Tuesday, August 4, 2009

No Talking Rule

When you are teaching, you really like to have things go the way they should...PERFECT. But as we all know we do not live in a perfect world and teaching in your own private school is definitely not perfect. See I would really like for everyone to be quiet and they try so very hard. But the truth of the matter is they absolutely cannot do it. I have tried everything from longer recess, to prizes and extra points. But it is not a win win situation. It is a win lose and I am in the losing seat :( To make things worse, I lost my voice from talking during the first week of school. It has come back a little, but teachers aren't suppose to be part of the "No talking rule", we are the ones that are suppose to talk. You can't teach unless you talk. Hum, maybe I should teach them all sign language and then the noise will be at a complete stand still! Wouldn't that be great?

1 comment:

  1. It does drive you crazy when you feel that you are talking to yourself because everyone else is talking while you try to teach. The only way to advoid this problem is not to teach!!!!!
