Sunday, August 23, 2009

State of Acceptance

I watched a movie today on LifeTime called "Acceptance" and it made me really think. It was about a girl who was trying to find her spot in the world. She was expected to attend an IVY League school and was overwhelmed by the pressure from her parents. Her counselor also told her to lie on her essay and so on and so on. Her parents were also trying to find their place and be accepted. So it made me think...
To what point in our lives do we really feel accepted? Are we truly accepted into our own families when there is more than one child? Or are favorites played? Do we really find ourselves in our youth, or do we just pretend to feel accepted? What about in our adult lives? Can you not have more then one friend male/female and be told that is wrong? Do we push our children and try to prove to others that they are so much better than their child? It is an act of acceptance that we are all striving for. "Will I be accepted if I cut my hair a different way?" "Will they accept me if I have a difference of opinion?" These are all questions that I know we have all asked ourselves at one point in time.
Truth is, you should never feel that you have to be a certain way just to be accepted. I'm guilty, I know. But I am working on it. No one can tell me what to wear, how to do my hair, and no one can tell me how I feel. I don't have to be accepted anywhere, as long as I feel good about myself that is all that should matter. Unfortunately, we live in a cruel world and if you don't uphold "what is acceptable" you have no state of acceptance. Do what God intended you to do...SERVE... Go the extra mile and who cares if you do it right or not. Check on people in the community who may be ill. What about people at church? Just get off your "Fatty Acid" (that is what the high schoolers in our school say, lol!) and do something and forget about what others say. Let them talk all they want. Give them something to talk about! By golly, step out of the box, change your hair style, change your fashion trend, just do something for you!!! You only need to feel accepted in one group, your own!

1 comment:

  1. could not have been said better. This world makes us feel that we need to spend our whole life trying to get others to except us. If you change your hair style people think something is wrong, and you do recieve exceptance. If you do not drink, talk dirty about every women you see, want to cheat on your partner then you do not fit in and people wont except you. I agree, serve the Lord and take care of yourself and who cares what other people think.
