Monday, August 17, 2009

Tongued Tied

I guess my idea of a friend, is one who is there for you no matter what. Someone who will listen and will give you their two cents when the time is right. I try to be that friend and I hope that I have been to all of you. But if in some way I have ever not been that friend and have hurt you, please accept my apology. I am just like the rest of you in the fact that I too am human and sometimes make mistakes that I may or may not realize. Sometimes things we say make sense to us, but when they come out of our mouth are not exactly what was intended. I like to call this the "tied up tongue syndrome". We've all done it so don't lie and say you haven't. We have all said something at one point in our life that was taken the wrong way and the other party won't give you the time or day to explain. So my advice, try...try as hard as you possible can to right that wrong whether you understand or not. Right it now and then it is off your shoulders. It is now in their hands of whether they will move on and continue to be your friend or push you a side and say you are not worth it. Either way it is now in the Lord's hands. Pray for His guidance and He will comfort you... If you can't say SORRY from your mouth, write a letter, that might work! Best of Luck to all and may all of our tongues be untied!

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