Sunday, May 31, 2009

New Layout

Do you like my new layout? I love it, so fresh, so crisp, and yet so, so, so purelicity!!!! I decided that I am going to have a new layout for each month. To fully understand what purelicity is all about! Enjoy and keep those comments coming :)

June and all there is to it!

Ah, June is almost here!!!! You know what that means right? My birthday month!!! It starts tomorrow and goes all the way till the end of the month.... Silly right? Wrong! Why not celebrate all month long? I say, I have lived this long, I have earned it and by golly I am going to celebrate. Come on, it's not like I am getting presents everyday or anything like that. I just like to remind myself (and others) that my birthday is in 22 days and counting! You know, just a little reminder for them! So let's see, what is on the agenda for the month of June?

June 1st ~ Father in-laws Birthday *Happy Birthday* (okay, back to me)
June 2nd ~ Dance
June 3rd ~ Scouts
June 4th ~ Swimming Merit Badge or take the missionaries bikes to the shop
June 5th ~ Whatever we didn't do yesterday (see above)
June 6th ~ Church Lula (um, not sure if I am going) Hold up, so far we are on day 6 and nothing about me yet. K, let's keep going.
June 7th ~ Church and nap (oh that is something for me!)
June 8th ~ Hum, maybe we will hit the beach (something else for me!)
June 9th ~ Dance
June 10th ~ Scouts
June 11th ~ ????
June 12th ~ ????
June 13th ~ Dance Recital, Family Reunion, Professor's birthdays (another post)
June 14th ~ Church and nap (great, back to me)
June 15th ~ "Hot" Firefighter and "Gigantic" Bambino leave for Scout Camp
June 16th ~ um, they are still gone...what are we going to do?
June 17th ~ Friend's birthday, still gone
June 18th ~ getting closer to my birthday and hoping the UPS man drops off a Kitchenaid box, how many more days do we have left?
June 19th ~ Still not home, have hope to see UPS man!
June 20th ~ Expected home sometime today, yuck a lot more laundry. This time with camp fire smell.
June 21st ~ Father's day (Happy Father's Day Dad, I'll post something later, this is just for my calendar!), First day of summer, Church, and MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Did I forget to tell you it is my birthday? Yep, it is!
June 22nd ~ My birthday was yesterday, but I am still celebrating!
June 23rd ~ Ugh, I am older...sniffle, sniffle.
June 24th ~ Another friends birthday (say no, it's not worth aging)
June 25th ~ still crying...
June 26th ~ Hey wait, my anniversary is soon. More celebrating!
June 27th ~ I'm doing better, it really isn't that bad, cuz you see my friends, I am only as old as I want to be and truth be told I will always be my favorite age and number. Do you know what it is?
June 28th ~ One more day till our 13th anniversary!
June 29th ~ Happy Anniversary "Hot" Firefighter
June 30th ~ Contemplating on that long lost fountain of youth!

So what is your month like? Oh we have more planned then what is posted. We will hit the beach more, swimming of course, maybe the movies (kids can get in free if they write a book report), working on other scouting stuff with both boys, getting school stuff ready, you know crazy things like that! Some much needed TLC if it were truly up to me. But for now, we will just take each day the way it should be taken. That is to LIVE, LOVE, and LAUGH OFTEN! Send your June ideas to me, I need some...especially when everyone is gone for camp!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Dog House

Okay, I know what you are thinking. Why is she going to talk about a dog house? Well, because this is no ordinary dog house, this is the RITZ... A former firefighter moved away and called "hot" firefighters captain and asked if he knew of anyone who needed a dog house. So of course we jumped on it! We have dogs, yes! So yesterday, "hot" firefighter and his captain went to pick up the dog house. I assumed that he would get home about an hour later then usual and we would go on about our day. Boy was I wrong! They arrived at 12:30, only 4 hours later than normal and they didn't have a dog house, they had, indeed the Ritz! My jaw dropped and I gasped, then I asked "what in the world"? They said, they couldn't believe it either. HAHA! (The Ritz, is only like 6' X 6'. See why I call it the Ritz?) I informed them that after 30 minutes of trying to figure out how to load it on the trailer, I would have been"too heck with it". But nope, not these two... They were not going to let a silly dog house beat them. When they arrived, two other firemen showed up ("hot" fire fighters other captain and chief) with a fork lift to move the dang thing to the back yard. How did they get it on the trailer without the fork lift? They borrowed a jack and jacked it up on to the trailer and then went and got logs to be able to roll the house in place. Oh my gosh...Talk about a long day. So after we had to cut the fence, lay the cement blocks, lock up the dogs somewhere else, and load the Ritz on the fork lift, set the house down, back the lift out, fix the fence, we were finally able to let the dogs out! It was crazy. At first, only one went in the Ritz. But today all three of them were sound asleep inside the Ritz! Those are the Sheppard's, the lab mix, well he is a whole different story and doesn't get to sleep in the Ritz. If only they could all get along and live happily together. Hum, something about the male ultra ego in all species!

The Ritz

Rommel, not sure what to think!

Last Game..

Today was the last day of the tournament! Whoop, whoop! Well it didn't go as planned, but the boys played hard and came in 2nd for both the season and the tournament champs. First, tell me how fair this is...the other team took their team and put them in the air conditioned building before the game started, and 2nd the other teams players, three are going into the 8th grade. Mind you all the other boys and all the teams are 5th and 6th grade, so 11 and 12 years old. 14 is a big age difference and bigger in size and performance. Oh well, they had fun, played hard and didn't give up.

We also had our Bambino's church swim activity today! They seemed to have a lot of fun and didn't want to get out of the pool...we finally told all of the kids that we were going to put the alligator back in the pool. That made them move! They all looked like Olympic swimmers trying to win the gold.

Tomorrow is another day. Another day to enjoy the summer sun, sweaty kids, and late nights!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another win, another game...

It was a close one tonight! "Gigantic" Bambino's team played the team who hasn't won a game yet. However, the way they were playing tonight they almost gave it to the team. Which in a way wouldn't be bad, because 1~ the team could say they won and would probably come out second in the tourny, 2~ we wouldn't have to play again! Such is life. Now we get to play on Saturday at 4 pm, have awards at 5:30 and if for some odd reason the beat the team at 4, we have to play another game. Saturday will be a long day. It starts early too. The Bambino's have a church swim activity at 9:30 - 11:30, baseball (which we don't know when we will get home from that), showers, get ready for church, and hit the hay! Glad that it is almost over, but sad in a sense too, that "Gigantic" Bambino will now say "I'm Bored". Anyone else hear that from their 11 year old sons? Ugh, the dreaded summer of I'm Bored, has just begun. Haha, little did they know, I have a lot up my sleeve planned for this summer. Share your summer ideas with me, to help me keep mine busy! What is something that you required your children to do every summer? What's something fun you like to do with them too? Let me know, I need a few fresh ideas!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Another game...

Unfortunately there was no win for us tonight :( It stinks when you are in the tournament and you play your heart out and still know that you wont win. The team they played tonight won the season with an all win streak! So yeah, they are that good... "Gigantic" Bambino's team has it in the back of their minds that there is no way to beat this team, so they give up before the game even starts. How can you teach 11 and 12 year old boys that you don't ever give up, even when it is the hardest thing ever? I know for me, it is all about showing love and support and letting him know how well he played! I found a baseball camp for him and would really like for him to go, it would be good for him! However, money is tight. So unless the money fairy lands on my front door, we'll just have to come up with our own baseball camp in our front yard. I don't think he will like it too much, but who knows... the money fairy might just surprise us!!!! Just two more nights of baseball and the season is over! Good luck son!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


My "Gigantic" Bambino, loves baseball and has played for the past 5 years! He's pretty good too, and I am not just saying that because I am his mom...This year has been tough for him. See he moved up to the majors' and even though he has played ball with many of the boys for so long, it is just different. For example, the 2nd year boys are perfecting their pitching speed, curve balls, and just plain meanness. While the first years, are pretty much placed in the outfield have no chance of working on perfecting their own skills. Last year when he was in the minors (2nd year) he played 1st base and pitched! Awesome at it and good too... I remember one game where he had a no hitter! Those were the days for him. He said he can't wait for this year to be over and that he hopes he isn't #12 next year. This year he is #11 and is 11, he thinks it is a curse and that is why he had to play outfield. We explained that the only thing he can do is practice and be able to show the coaches he is good. That is just what he has done and I couldn't be more proud to be a part of something he loves!

Now you ask why I call him "Gigantic" Bambino? Well wouldn't you if you had an 11 year old son who is 5'3, wears a shoe bigger than yours, and is just as handsome as they come? Good luck to you my "Gigantic" Bambino, you are the best ball player I have ever known...keep up the good work and remember to practice during off season :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Joys of the middle Bambino!

Today it was just me and the "brilliant" Bambino! His brother went off on a weekend get away with his friends family and "Princess" Bambino went to a friends house today! We really didn't do much, but it was nice to have the peaceful time together! He made lunch for me (mac and cheese) and dinner (burritos). How thoughtful huh? He climbed under the bed (total makeover in their room) and pulled out everything from here to the moon, even some dirty socks! He watched a movie, I watched a movie. We just had a quiet day! Later, we were looking on the Internet for what I want for my birthday... (a kitchenaid big mixer, hint...hint) we figured out what each tool did and what we could do and make with it. He even told me that we could get the metal grain mill attachment and have it to make our own flour to can. I guess he is in to this canning thing and understands the purpose behind having food storage! We talked about the noodles we could make and juice we could squeeze with the Kitchenaid Mixer! I think he is going to find a way to get it for me too! I told him they were very expensive and that I would probably have to ask Santa for one, that dad just didn't have the extra dough. We both started to laugh when I said that! See we were looking at the noodle cutter and talking about how you needed dough to make a lot of things. So, yep it was pretty funny! I know I want a 5 qt. tilt head, but I just don't know what color. I mean come on they have over 20 colors to choose from! I don't really have a color for my kitchen, since it isn't my house. Gosh, they even have Pink! If I get the Pink one, then some of the proceeds go to cancer. Hum, I guess I will just have to wait and see! What do you think? Go to and click on the 5 qt tilt head mixers and let me know what color you think I should wish for!!!!

Oh right, about the "brilliant" bambino! So everything was good until the older bambino came home, then of course the brotherly love started! They are watching a movie together peacefully, so that is a plus! Maybe, we will get to have another peaceful day together soon! Love you my "brilliant"bambino!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Glued to the Tube!

My "hot" Firefighter husband has been off for his two days, and well we have been glued to the tube! See we used to watch LOST all the time, but reality is there is no time. We were at some friends the other day and noticed that they have all the seasons of LOST! So we thought "hey lets just start over". It has rained all week anyways and you can't really do anything in the rain. Well okay you can, but that is besides the point. Right now we are talking about LOST, you know LOST! I love it!!! We started watching at 4pm yesterday and turned off the tube at 1:30 am. We decided that we should go to bed since we did have church today and needed to get some beauty rest! But knew that when we got home from church, LOST would start again. And, well, it did :) However, we took a break to pick some food up at my aunts, play with the kids, walk the dogs, and take a nap (a much needed nap, mind you!) Dinner is about done, school is out till July, it is time to be glued to the tube and watch some more LOST!!!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Staying healthy

I am always trying to stay healthy and in good shape, but for some reason I just have no motivation. Well I didn't until I found and new way to do it. Have any of you seen the new tv show on LifeTime? It is called "Cook Yourself Thin". They teach you how to take your favorite meals and turn them into healthier meals. One lady had three items that were over 4500 calories and her daily calorie in take should be like 1500 or 1600. What a difference! Mr. Hot Firefighter and I have tried several of the recipes and love them. They fill you up and also give you the nutrients you need! My favorite so far has been the meat loaf....but I put yellow peppers in mine! Yum!!!! The Bambinoes enjoyed it too, as well as the others we have tried. Who knows you might get addicted too! Here's the challenge... take the 6 week "Cook Yourself Thin" challenge and see if you go down a dress size and lose weight! It works, I promise :) Take it with me, starting Monday, May 25 is the starting date. Six weeks from that date lets see who has gone down a dress size. To sign up with me, just leave your name in the comment section and check in often. You never know, six weeks from now I might even have a prize to give away to the person who has lost the most weight!!!! Go to Good Luck and let me know how much you want to lose!

Friday, May 22, 2009

The longest night ever....

On Wednesday, my little "Princess Bambino" turned 5...sniffle, sniffle. She wanted to have a slumber party (why in the world would a 5 year old want a slumber party)? So we agreed to it, and well let me tell you, it was the longest night ever! First of all, the three little girls that came over were all 8 years old. No biggie...but there was one who thought the party was hers and needed to run the show. UGH.. But for the most part I know "Princess Bambino" had a great time. She by the way was the second one asleep, mind you it was at 12:30. The other two, lets see 1:45. All in all it was great! I love you my "princess bambino" thanks for being mine :)

Opening Presents!

Just what you need when having a slumber party...PJ's

My own MP3 player! (She sneaks in to her brother's room and snags their MP3 players when they fall asleep!)


What could it be? (This is a present from her brother and oops, she already saw what it was)

"I knew it, I knew it" (Yes, she looks like she is high)
Another Barbie!

What's a slumber party without a "slumber party" cake?

"I wish, I wish, I wish, hum what do I wish for?"
(I forgot to frost the back of the cake, haha!)
Got it!!!!

My 5th Birthday

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Canning Butter....

1.Use any real butter that is on sale. I bought mine at Sam's Club (quantity) Lesser quality butter requires more shaking, but the results are the same as with the expensive brands. One pound of butter made a pint and a quarter.
2. Heat pint jars in a 250 degree oven for 20 minutes, without rings or seals. A roasting pan works well for holding the pint jars while in the oven. After 20 minutes, turn off oven and leave the jars in until ready.

(ignore the really dirty oven, hehe!)

3. Boil seals and keep in hot water until ready.

4. While the jars are heating, melt butter slowly until it comes to a slow boil. Using a large spatula, stir the bottom of the pot often to keep the butter from scorching. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes, no more, no less: a good simmer time will lessen the amount of shaking required.

(6lbs of Real Butter)

5. Stir the melted butter from the bottom to the top with a soup ladle; pour the melted butter carefully into heated jars through a canning jar funnel. Leave ½” of head space in the jar, which allows room for the shaking process.

6. Carefully wipe off the top of the jars, then get a hot lid from the simmering water, add the lid and ring and tighten securely. Lids will seal as they cool. Once a few lids “ping” shake while the jars are still warm, but cool enough to handle easily, because the butter will separate and become foamy on top and white on the bottom. In a few minutes, shake again, and repeat until the butter retains the same consistency throughout the jar.

7. At this point, while still slightly warm, put the jars into a refrigerator. While cooling and hardening, shake again, and the melted butter will then look like butter and become firm. This final shaking is very important! Check every 15 minutes and give the jars a little shake until they are hardened in the jar! Leave in the refrigerator for an hour. Trust me, it works...

8. Canned butter should store 3-5 years or longer on a cool, dark shelf. It does last a long time. Canned butter does not “melt” again when opened, so it does not need to be refrigerated upon opening, provided it is used within a reasonable length of time.

*Do not use anything else but REAL BUTTER, it will not work other wise* Enjoy! It's fun, taste good, and you'll have it in your food storage!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Okay, so why doesn't blogger have a place where you can upload your sound recordings? I am so flustered right now. I just wanted to add "Princess Bambinoes" cute little "CALACOPE". It is even cuter listening to her....hum hopefully I will be able to figure it out later so you can all enjoy it! But for now, get ready for canning. Tomorrow will the be the first of many post to canning. Do's, don'ts and favorites! Enjoy :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Feeling Accomplished

You know when you feel accomplished and there is no turning back the exhilarating feeling you have? Well I have felt accomplished! See I planted a garden last week, and low and behold, we have sprouted! Yep, veggies are coming up! My "Princess Bambino" wanted to know what was coming up! I informed her that cantaloupe was. She went skipping to her daddy saying "we've got calacope" I just love how little ones say big words! Mind you, she will be five on Wednesday, but still "cantaloupe" is a pretty big word! I just love how she says it, so I keep telling everyone to ask her about the garden. I know, I know, mean but it is just so darn cute. Hum, if I can figure out how to record her saying it and put it on the computer you'll be able to hear it too! Then when you are enjoying your cantaloupe this summer season, you will always be reminded of her saying "calacope"!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Starting Over

Okay, so after much needed, throwing of the computer out the window, hating blogging, throw the computer out the window again, contacting the blogging place, did I mention throwing the computer out of the window? I decided to try again. I just had to completely start from scratch, which kind of stinks, because I really liked the post that I had already written. Oh well, such is life right? Purelicity... Finding the pure and simple things in life and making them work. So now that I am a little bit more confident about blogging, I will have several areas for you to read from. (i.e. canlicity, doglicity, homeschoolicity, firefighterlicity, and of course the little bambinoes (didn't know how to add licity to bambinoes) also gardenlicity)! Should be fun and hopefully interesting. If not, let me know. Wont hurt my feelings (well maybe a little) this is just my life in purelicity!