Sunday, May 31, 2009

June and all there is to it!

Ah, June is almost here!!!! You know what that means right? My birthday month!!! It starts tomorrow and goes all the way till the end of the month.... Silly right? Wrong! Why not celebrate all month long? I say, I have lived this long, I have earned it and by golly I am going to celebrate. Come on, it's not like I am getting presents everyday or anything like that. I just like to remind myself (and others) that my birthday is in 22 days and counting! You know, just a little reminder for them! So let's see, what is on the agenda for the month of June?

June 1st ~ Father in-laws Birthday *Happy Birthday* (okay, back to me)
June 2nd ~ Dance
June 3rd ~ Scouts
June 4th ~ Swimming Merit Badge or take the missionaries bikes to the shop
June 5th ~ Whatever we didn't do yesterday (see above)
June 6th ~ Church Lula (um, not sure if I am going) Hold up, so far we are on day 6 and nothing about me yet. K, let's keep going.
June 7th ~ Church and nap (oh that is something for me!)
June 8th ~ Hum, maybe we will hit the beach (something else for me!)
June 9th ~ Dance
June 10th ~ Scouts
June 11th ~ ????
June 12th ~ ????
June 13th ~ Dance Recital, Family Reunion, Professor's birthdays (another post)
June 14th ~ Church and nap (great, back to me)
June 15th ~ "Hot" Firefighter and "Gigantic" Bambino leave for Scout Camp
June 16th ~ um, they are still gone...what are we going to do?
June 17th ~ Friend's birthday, still gone
June 18th ~ getting closer to my birthday and hoping the UPS man drops off a Kitchenaid box, how many more days do we have left?
June 19th ~ Still not home, have hope to see UPS man!
June 20th ~ Expected home sometime today, yuck a lot more laundry. This time with camp fire smell.
June 21st ~ Father's day (Happy Father's Day Dad, I'll post something later, this is just for my calendar!), First day of summer, Church, and MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Did I forget to tell you it is my birthday? Yep, it is!
June 22nd ~ My birthday was yesterday, but I am still celebrating!
June 23rd ~ Ugh, I am older...sniffle, sniffle.
June 24th ~ Another friends birthday (say no, it's not worth aging)
June 25th ~ still crying...
June 26th ~ Hey wait, my anniversary is soon. More celebrating!
June 27th ~ I'm doing better, it really isn't that bad, cuz you see my friends, I am only as old as I want to be and truth be told I will always be my favorite age and number. Do you know what it is?
June 28th ~ One more day till our 13th anniversary!
June 29th ~ Happy Anniversary "Hot" Firefighter
June 30th ~ Contemplating on that long lost fountain of youth!

So what is your month like? Oh we have more planned then what is posted. We will hit the beach more, swimming of course, maybe the movies (kids can get in free if they write a book report), working on other scouting stuff with both boys, getting school stuff ready, you know crazy things like that! Some much needed TLC if it were truly up to me. But for now, we will just take each day the way it should be taken. That is to LIVE, LOVE, and LAUGH OFTEN! Send your June ideas to me, I need some...especially when everyone is gone for camp!


  1. Nothing wrong about having the entire month for you. Hopefully it will be more about you then you have listed.

  2. LOL!!! That was GREAT!!! I will give you some advice... I am older by 7 months. 31 is not bad and you are in good company. Just think if you were younger people would wonder if "HOT" firefighter married you when you were in diapers. :0)

    I like the new layout!!
