Sunday, May 24, 2009

Glued to the Tube!

My "hot" Firefighter husband has been off for his two days, and well we have been glued to the tube! See we used to watch LOST all the time, but reality is there is no time. We were at some friends the other day and noticed that they have all the seasons of LOST! So we thought "hey lets just start over". It has rained all week anyways and you can't really do anything in the rain. Well okay you can, but that is besides the point. Right now we are talking about LOST, you know LOST! I love it!!! We started watching at 4pm yesterday and turned off the tube at 1:30 am. We decided that we should go to bed since we did have church today and needed to get some beauty rest! But knew that when we got home from church, LOST would start again. And, well, it did :) However, we took a break to pick some food up at my aunts, play with the kids, walk the dogs, and take a nap (a much needed nap, mind you!) Dinner is about done, school is out till July, it is time to be glued to the tube and watch some more LOST!!!!!


  1. I LOVE Lost!!! We have a DVR and I make sure that it is set to record Lost... I have to watch it when ALL the rest of my family is FAST asleep. You will have to let me know what you think about this last season when you get to watch it. :0)

  2. I love your blog but I have never watched Lost. MOM
