Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another win, another game...

It was a close one tonight! "Gigantic" Bambino's team played the team who hasn't won a game yet. However, the way they were playing tonight they almost gave it to the team. Which in a way wouldn't be bad, because 1~ the team could say they won and would probably come out second in the tourny, 2~ we wouldn't have to play again! Such is life. Now we get to play on Saturday at 4 pm, have awards at 5:30 and if for some odd reason the beat the team at 4, we have to play another game. Saturday will be a long day. It starts early too. The Bambino's have a church swim activity at 9:30 - 11:30, baseball (which we don't know when we will get home from that), showers, get ready for church, and hit the hay! Glad that it is almost over, but sad in a sense too, that "Gigantic" Bambino will now say "I'm Bored". Anyone else hear that from their 11 year old sons? Ugh, the dreaded summer of I'm Bored, has just begun. Haha, little did they know, I have a lot up my sleeve planned for this summer. Share your summer ideas with me, to help me keep mine busy! What is something that you required your children to do every summer? What's something fun you like to do with them too? Let me know, I need a few fresh ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Summer!!! I am excited for it to start but I am with you on the "I am Bored" I hate hearing it. I am luck that the girl's will still have dance for another month. Braxton will have Cub Scouts once a week, Shelby will have activity days. And the really bonus is that Steve will be home during the week to help entertain them. We don't have a lot planned yet. Shelby is going to have a swimming out of school party in a week or so. We have a pool party planned for Kennedy's B-Day. Braxton has Cub Scout day camp and that is just the first two weeks of summer break. I am sure that we will having lots of water fights and lunches at the park. The kids LOVE swimming, if we didn't live 45 minutes away I would just send them to my parents everyday to swim in their pool. Oh well. The girl's will be in the parade on the 4th of July. As for idea... well I bought some flip flops for all the kids and some fabric and we are going to tie fabric to the top of the filp flops. We are planning a block party. I am so not ready for summer as I type this it is making me think I need to find so FUN activities for the kids. I guess I have some searching to do. I will update you if I find something GREAT!!!

    Sounds like you have a CRAZY saturday ahead of you also. I love being a MOM!!!
