Monday, June 22, 2009

Birthday Bash and Jury Duty

At last the long awaited day came. Not much excitement, but a lot of relaxation! It was an R & R kind of day. Church of course. A little Father's Day love and then all about ME!!!! We had a nice day! Got some great cards from the bambinoes and "Hot" Firefighter! "Princess" Bambino and "Hot" Firefighter made a necklace and a bracelet for me, with charms. How fun! My necklace has the Eiffel Tower on it. Makes it really special because I went to Paris a month after I met "Hot" Firefighter! Our plan was to go take a nice walk on the beach, but a storm came through and ruined that :( Watched LOST Season 3, not the whole thing but a few episodes. So much fun. Made a yummy cake from "Cook Yourself Thin" and used sweet potatoes in them. So, so yummy! The happy day can't last forever since I knew I had jury duty today and was not very thrilled to say the least.

Jury duty, well lets just say that it was the fastest, easiest way to make money in a day. I showed up, filled out the paper work and just waited. After about 10 minutes and the rest of the jurors showing up they spoke to us. They informed us that all their cases were done for the week and that we needed to make sure that our paper work was filled out so they could send us our check for the week or the day. I really didn't catch what she said as far as the week or day. But hey, that freed up my week and my worry of whether or not I was going to have to completely tell the truth and nothing but the truth on why I would not be able to serve. Having three bambinoes and a husband who is a firefighter is reason enough not to have me serve! Well done. I have done my service and could get called again in three years....WOOT, WOOT!!!

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