Friday, June 12, 2009

Water Aerobics Day 2

I cannot walk. My thighs and calves hurt so bad. Today I had more women, four to be exact! We had even more fun! I had those older ladies laughing so hard, and to me laughing is great exercise! See just 15 minutes of laughter a day will burn 10 to 40 calories, depending on a person’s weight and the intensity of the laughter. That’s enough to shift between 1 and 4lb a year. I guess we could call it "Laugh Yourself Thin" ! So start laughing :)

We also went and got our glasses today! "Bright" Bambino looks so dignified in his! A little professor! And my, well lets just say (I'll have to take a picture and let you see for yourself). We went to Wal-mart to pick up those last minute items for scout camp and guess what, "Gigantic" Bambino picked out some hiking boots. We got home and he went to put them on. HAHA! He had two left feet. Are you laughing? Remember you will burn calories! HAHA! So I said we needed to go back and get the right one. But before that the boys dared "Princess" Bambino to lick the inside of a flash light, you know where the battery meets the electrode part. It was a big fight of fingers point of who said what, who did what and so on and so on. Finally, we figured out that just her lip touched it, but bad thing is, is that the boys did not know that a battery had exploded inside. We only knew once we opened the flash light up. YIKES. So threw her in the shower with water running on her mouth, washed the area clean and called poison control. They said the same thing, wash and run water on it for 15 minutes then an ice pack. So that is what we did. Glad we didn't have to go to the hospital and glad she doesn't have a flat lip anymore. Dance recital on Saturday.

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