Monday, June 1, 2009

Calendar update

How could I possible forget something on the calendar for the month of June? How could I do that? Well I did, okay so get over it... it is you know my birthday month! So on June 22nd, yep the day after my birthday, I am scheduled for Jury Duty. Jury Duty, can you believe? I have never done it before and am pretty sure I wont be. See when you are married to "hot" firefighter, he isn't here every day or every night. So if the case, whatever case it maybe goes for a week, there is no possible way for me to do it. There has to be a better screening process for selecting jurors. Now, if I am wrong let me know. But isn't there some law that if you are employed your employer has to give you that time off? Well as a Domestic Engineer, I don't get days off. I am worth over $300,000, but it doesn't mean I get paid and boy gosh, George, I don't even have a nanny. A nanny, that is in my job description! So, I am assuming that it will not take place for me, unless they don't mind my three children sitting "quietly" in the court room. Yes, they are homeschooled, but they aren't your norms. They are loud and I have found that they are very talented at picking. Picking at each other is a new talent that all siblings have encountered from time to time. It involves their hands, feet, eyes, mouth, you name it and it is involved. I can see it now...we are just about to announce the fate of the accused and you hear a high pitched, bellowing "mom, he's/she's looking at me". They are so loud that everyone is unable to hear the verdict and dang the poor person is cuffed and put away or uncuffed depending on what they heard! That would be the last time I show my face in public. Oh, and the last time my bambinoes would see the light of day! :) Wish me luck!

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