Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dreaded Day continued...

The Dreaded Day wasn't as bad as I thought! However, it did take forever, like always and yes over and hour later we finally were done! My appointment was at 9 and "Bright" Bambinos was at 9:15. Well, 9 went by, and so did 9:15, arrrrgh...9:30 they finally called me back! Gosh, if I only knew that I wasn't going to get in till 9:30, I could have slept in a little longer. Typical huh? Every thing seemed fine, until the doctor came in and checked my vision. Remember I told you that I wouldn't have my contacts in? Okay, so I didn't have them in and couldn't see worth a darn. Informed him again that when I get my eyes dilated, I get a migraine. We talked about that for a minute and then he said "okay, but I really need to see if there is any pressure on your eyes" Great, pressure, of course there is pressure... I do not have my contacts in you goof ( I didn't say it to him, just thought it). He continued by saying "so, if this does not show me what I want to see, then we will have to dilate your eyes." By this time, he is already putting the drops in my eyes and is handing me a tissue. I wipe my eyes and what, what in the heck, my tears are dark yellow. "That's normal, don't worry it will go away in a while" So, not only can I not see, my eyes are yellow like werewolves.

As I wait, I go in to the room where "Bright" Bambino and "Hot" Firefighter are. Trying not to scare them of course. I should have just started to howl! That would have made the doc think twice about putting drops in my eyes again! HAHA! Anyways, "Hot" Firefighter asked how it went and truthfully I didn't know so told him "I don't know".

Memories were running through my head as I watched "Bright" Bambino sit and answer the "what letters can you see" quiz. I kind of felt like crying and wondering where the time went and how big he has gotten. I even told him that his first visit to the eye doctors, he couldn't even reach and had to sit up on his knees. Also that he impressed the doctor with his ability to talk to new people and basically tell him the square root to any problem. Hence the name "Bright"! But, then I remembered that I was crying yellow and didn't feel like having streaks of yellow down my face all day. Imagine trying to tell someone why you were all yellow. "Yep, was picking dandelions with my daughter, and felt something on my face and forgot I was holding a flower." I just held it in and wrapped it tight against my heart!

Finally the doctor came back in and said that "Bright" Bambino needed new glasses. Not because his vision had changed much, but because he has grown out of his glasses. I asked about mine, and he said that my left eye had changed. "Changed, what? Come again? I can see just fine out of my left contact" of course, he begged to differ. I am getting new contacts and a pair of glasses. I haven't had them in so long and I am afraid that with the big jump in the prescription, that I might have a hard to time seeing at all. Oh well, they are cute and you should have seen "Hot" Firefighters face when I was trying on the glasses! It was like, you and me and just those glasses!

One Dreaded Doctor down. Next week is another dreaded doctor. The dentist! At least for the kids...


  1. The right glasses on almost anyone can look hot. Glasses only, sounds crazy.

  2. Love the post. Another hit, keep up the good work. I enjoy reading each and every post.
