Monday, June 8, 2009


I love the kids dentist! She is really good with the kids and has such a charming way to please everyone! Today was "Princess" Bambino's first appointment to have a picture of her teeth taken (that is how we had to explain it to her). Last time, no way...she would have nothing to do with that. She thought she was getting a "picture" taken! But today, she showed us just how grown up she has be come! Not only did she get the pictures, she also sat and got her teeth cleaned without a fight! When she was done she said "are they as pretty as a princess?"
"Why yes my dear, but I think they are prettier!" The boys did great as usual and were excited to dig through the toy box! See their dentist is just awesome, she had Disney come in to design her office, have a Marshy Movie room, the Wii room, of course a waiting room, oh and get this, above the patient chairs are TV screens that play the same movie from the Marshy Movie room! The boys just love to go to the dentist just to play the Wii and always say the other one will go first! Boys will be boys.

The rest of the day was cool too! The boys were suppose to go to a friends house and swim, but "Bright" Bambino chose to act up and lost that privilege. "Princess" Bambino ask her grandparents if they would take her to lunch! "Bright" Bambino weaseled his way in to going with the grandparents too (good, gives them time to spend with his 9 year old ways). "Gigantic" Bambino went to his friends house and went swimming, made guns out of paper and masking tape, made a movie with their alien costumes and just seemed to have a grand old time! "Hot" firefighter and I had a date! Can you believe, we had a date! We weren't exactly sure what to do, but decided to go to the movies. Wish we would have gone to a different one, but just being together was worth it! We saw "Land of the Lost". If you want to see a typical Will Ferrell movie, then go for it. Yes, there were some funny parts and yes, there were some crude parts (you know Will). But I think one funny part was when the mosquito started to suck his blood. Man, I thought our mosquitoes were bad, and big! We did have fun and that is what it is all about...Now to finish our run on LOST! Season 3, here we come. Agggghhhh, scout camp is next week, we wont have LOST done by then. Oh well, such is life :)

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