Monday, June 15, 2009

Where did the time go?

So where did all the time go? I hate when we have crazy weekends and let me tell you, this one was a bump in the road! As I was trying to get everyone ready for their Scout Camps, I also had a little one to get ready for her dance recital. Oh and lets not forget the family reunion. I carefully wrote out their list of what they needed and started to gather up their goods. Loads and loads of laundry later, I was able to get them all packed. "Bright" Bambino had to have his first since he left for his cross country trip with the grandparents on Sunday. Man, talk about crazy. He could have cared less if he had any clothes, just as long as his 3D activity book was there he was set. It was Friday night and I had done all that I could for the time being. Everyone was bathed and I was now rolling "Princess" Bambinos hair for her recital, where lo and behold I realized she still had a tattoo on her arm that had been there for two weeks and just would not go away. "Gigantic" Bambino found the rubbing alcohol and whew it was gone! After 30 minutes of rolling her hair we were off to bed!

Saturday mourning was very hectic and since we were suppose to be at the auditorium at 9, that meant that we had to leave by 8. Ugh, and "Hot" Firefighter was of course get off of his shift and was not able to help. Our plan was to meet at the gas station on the way to where the recital was at 8:30. Oops, we didn't leave our house till 8:25 and "Princess" Bambinos rollers were still in her hair. We drove as fast as we possible could without getting pulled over and as soon as we got to the gas station, I jumped in the back and started to unroll her hair. We pulled in at 9:03, with hair done and makeup on! Awesome! Just had to put her costume on and we were set! Took her back stage and didn't have to fight with her to let me go, which was a miracle. The recital was very good and my little "Princess" was the best in her class. I'm not just saying that cuz I'm the mom! It is true :) After the recital we had to pick up the car, take it home and head to the family reunion, which was about an hour and half drive. Yuck...

At the reunion, we ate good food, played games and laughed about anything and everything! It was pretty fun, but we knew that if we didn't leave soon, then we could just forget about scout camp. So off we went. Parents called and said we should go a different way to avoid a crash on the interstate. Dad said we should be fine, but whatever. So we decided to just go on the interstate. Um, big mistake. 40 minutes later, we finally were driving again! It wasn't too big of a deal for us, because the boys were a sleep and "Princess" Bambino was singing and watching movies. "Hot" Firefighter and I enjoyed each other as we conversed!

Packing for one done, two more to go. Sunday came and went and they finally got packed and left today at 5 am. Too early for me, but I got up and kissed them goodbye! Some mothers fret when they send their child off to Scout camp. Which I totally understand. They are entrusting someone else to care for their little one and to return them unharmed, unchanged, and yes, maybe with a little bit more fire. Me on the other hand, is sad they are gone, but jumping so high for joy. I guess it helps to be married to the Scout Master and to know that he will return my child probably dirty, a little scraped, bumped, and standing just a little taller knowing what he had accomplished at camp! Have fun boys!!!

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