Thursday, June 11, 2009

A First For Me...

Yesterday, I started teaching water aerobics to the women in our church! We had a small group, just me, my mom and one other lady. Small is good for the first time and much more enjoyable! After our session, my friends daughter came out to swim (along with her mom) so I told her I would call "Hot" firefighter and the Bambinoes to come swim! She was so excited and couldn't wait. Poor "Hot" firefighter, he didn't get to swim. See the slide has been taken over by wasp, so he was taking care of that! However, in the midst of killing, one got loose and stuck in "Princess" Bambinoes hair. Oh NO! That's right, you got it, she got stung twice in the same spot. She had a nice big bump and a red mark. Good thing grandma was just about to leave and offered to go get some meds! We told "Princess" Bambino to get back in the pool so the cool water would help take some of the sting out. We let everyone swim for about 10 more minutes and then pulled them out. Grandma called and asked how much "Princess" Bambino wieghed. I asked her "Wet or Dry?" my mom was a little confussed needless to say and then caught on! She laughed and asked again how much she weighs "dry"? I informed her that she weighs about 37lbs dry and maybe 38 lbs wet! We got her some meds and the swelling went down and she felt so much better!

The boys all had scouts tonight, so "Princess" Bambino and I decided to go along for the ride! See "Gigantic" Bambino is doing a fundraiser for scouts and were selling chicken dinners, so we drove them around. Poor boys, only got a $20 donation and sold one dinner. Oh well there are still more weeks to sell!

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