Friday, June 19, 2009

Scouts Head Home

So the week has gone by so very slowly. So slow in fact that I actually saw a snail out run a roach. Wait, maybe that was a roach carrying a snail. Anyway, the fact that the week was so stinking slow only makes matters worse when you can't figure out what to do. I mean I had plenty to do, but did I do it? NO. Of course not. Come on it's not like school starts in a month and I am no where prepared for it to start. Organizational skills this week would have been nice to have. But my organizational button was in the off position! How I could forget that I still have boxes and boxes to unpack since moving. Wait, when did I move... NOVEMBER. Crap, I need to probably replace the batteries to the organizational button. Gosh, I just enjoyed the lazy week that "Princess" Bambino and I had. We did lots of fun things together. Like water aerobics (she swam), went and saw Imagine That, swam some more, watched other movies at home, read books, colored, visited my great aunt (so her great, great aunt) who also took us to dinner! Hum, what else did we do? Went to book group and ate CALACOPE! "Princess" Bambinoes eyes were the size of Calacopes when she saw them sliced in the bowl and so juicy! Watched for storms. Scouts got caught in a bad storm and were almost coming home two days early! Made the paper too! No one was seriously injured, just a little startled! Seemed to have fun! Don't know for sure though, should be home by 10:30 tonight. Well so much for the slow R&R week. We'll be moving along like the humming bird next week. Only two more days till my birthday and still no UPS stop or FedEx. Dang....

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